And here is me with Dave Mitchell (aka Mark from Peep Show!) who I met at a preview screening of the BBC's 21st century take on 'The Taming of the Shrew'. I will stop stalking celebrities and get back to writing caustic asides on the futility of modern living soon, promise...
i'm sensing some skullduggery here darren. just days after your "chance" encounter with david mitchell, i hear your name, courtesy of the sultry tones of simon mayo, in a list of winners of peep show dvds on radio 5.
admit it, that "preview screening" was merely a huge front for a clandestine competition-rigging meeting, involving you, mitchell, mayo and probably a few unsavoury looking eastern european gangsters.
I confess, the whole thing was just a big sham to enhance the flagging career of housewives' favourite Mayo. He needed the kudos, Mitchell needed a friend (he was looking rather awkward standing there on his own) and I needed the DVD to make those cold winter evenings pass that bit quicker. it was all just an unholy menage a trois based on nothing more than sordid mutual gratification. Can't speak for the Eastern European gangsters though...
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