Thursday, October 20, 2005


Was delighted to discover the hitherto unknown thrills which can be had from adding a site meter to your blog. As well as being able to track how many hits your blog gets, you can also find out which sites people were referred from, and what country they come from.

Up to this point I had quite reasonably assumed that the only people who might be even vaguely interested in the inane and random ramblings of a jaded new media dilettante would be friends whose daily existence principally comprised of surfing the Net aimlessly for something, anything to detract from the tedium of their shitty and unfulfilling office jobs. Not so. Today, for instance, 9.09% of my traffic was from the Asian Continent, a statistic made only marginally less impressive once you calculate how many people that figure actually represents (you do the math). It truly is a humbling experience.

(Jesus, has it really taken only one and a half weeks of blogging to turn into one of those socially-retarded cyberfreaks who marvel at the minutiae of web data capture programs? I really need to get off-line...)

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